Day 4 - Releasing negative emotions


Now is the time to complete the process.

As you might have noticed, negative emotions won’t go away just because you say so. The intuitive mind responds to images much easier than it does to words.

It’s not about making it disappear; it’s about acknowledging it and transforming it in a way that can serve you versus impeding you.

Transformation doesn’t mean denying or pretending
that an emotion doesn’t exist, it means looking at it
from a different perspective.

In this exercise, we are going to alter your original image or create a brand new one in response to your original artwork. Either approach is fine.

Sometimes we don’t feel like modifying the original image and want to preserve it. If it feels like the right thing to do, then create another image. Think of it as the second chapter in a story you are writing. If you’re comfortable with changing your existing artwork, allow yourself to choose this option.

Follow these six steps to transform the image associations you have with your shame.

1. Reflect back on what you have written in response to your artwork.

Review your answers from the journaling exercise so you can reconnect with the insights you have received. 

2. Engage with your Image

Look at the image you have created and imagine what it needs to feel less painful.

For example, if you have expressed your feeling as a tightly woven coil then maybe untangling it would feel better. Your imagery reveals not only what you are feeling, but also guides you on what to do about this feeling and how to transform it.

3. Connect with your body

Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and connect with the part of your body where you were feeling the emotion and then imagine what would change your current imaginary associations into a more positive image.

For example, if you pictured a grey color around your neck and shoulders area, maybe a hint of pink would make it more positive.

4. Continue with guided visualization 

This guided visualization will help you connect to your inner knowing and discover what your image needs to be transformed.


5. Transform your original image

Once the new image is visualized, you can paint it or draw it. You can paint over your existing artwork or start a new one on a blank piece of paper. 

If you are not getting any images or colors, allow your intuition to guide you, pick colors and materials you are drawn to, and just start instinctively drawing shapes and scribbles and filling them with color. Try not to question yourself just let your hand move and see what emerges. 

If you are ready for the next step you can move to the final exercise.